Independent climate chambers
The CBS production tools consist of a loading and unloading measurement point, along with the climate chambers and associated measurement electronics. When fully equipped, our systems offer you eight small climate chambers, each with four magazines. In each compartment, the humidity is regulated separately via a passive system. This allows you to load and unload the compartments independently.
Always the right fit for the sample
As an example, you can see here the image of a CBS that is used mainly for multilayers. The design makes it possible to process actuators in different shapes and sizes with the same contact system. Just like all our systems, this CBS can be adjusted to different sample designs. Its construction ensures that any increased humidity does not affect the durability of the measurement electronics and contact quality.
Preloading the magazines
The loading and unloading measurement point on this system lets you independently prepare the individual sample magazines. The magazines feature barcodes that can be read by a scanner to ensure that samples are allocated correctly. This information is then transferred from the loading point to the main system. As a result, you get full traceability.
- One system for various actuator lengths and diameters
- Low vulnerability to errors thanks to robust design and high level of automation
- Low maintenance requirements
- Cost-efficient burn-in test for your actuators
- Short downtimes thanks to separate loading and unloading
- Option to expand easily in the event of a ramp-up in production
- Parallel burn-in test of up to 960 piezoelectric components with a single system
- Program customized burn-in test parameters based on a recipe
- High-side current measurement for simultaneous measurement of leakage current during the treatment process
- Measure polarity, leakage current, etc.
- Various voltage ranges available
- Barcode scanner for scanning process-relevant information
- Save the measurement data in an external database for later use
- Pass/fail analyses
- Modular design enables low-cost customization to your needs
- Individual chamber system enables separate loading without interference
- Passive humidity system for reliable and cost-effective humidity adjustment
- Flexibly adjust the software to your production process
- Easy to operate, with no need for long, in-depth training, thanks to high level of automation
- Loading/unloading measurement point enables independent sample preparation
- Visualization tool for easy actuator allocation
- Magazine for efficient system loading
- Contact test for all components prior to measurement with polarization direction check